

Oh, Christmas Tree

We realized our house allows for a much larger tree than we’re used to… I guess there’s always next year! Here’s a flashback to Christmas tree construction the weekend after Thanksgiving!...

Naughty or Nice?

The posts have been slim lately as I’ve had my hands full with a 15 month-old monkey. If I were a mother octopus I might have enough arms to keep Emerson out of trouble while having the camera in hand for those moments when trouble turns too-cute… but here I am with my two arms and even fewer photos! In her short life, Emerson has acquired several nicknames but the one she most lives up to is ‘Monkey.’  Not only does she use her feet for everything imaginable, her legs never stop moving (even in her sleep which earned her the title ‘Crazy Legs’). In the past month my monkey’s...

The Bright Side

While Emerson’s first milestones (rolling-over, crawling, walking…etc) have been very exciting, I find myself equally amazed by the subtle habits she picks up every day. Top 10 of my favorite Emerson-isms: 10. Holding any object up to her ear and saying, “Hi.” 9. Stepping into Nic’s shoes and attempting to walk around. 8. Draping household items (belts, socks… anything long and skinny) around her neck as if they were necklaces or scarves. 7. Putting the bathmat in the tub while I’m getting the water ready. 6. Pointing to every picture hanging on the wall while “oohing” as we walk by. 5. Saying “baby” when we see kids. 4. Singing “Ee-I-Ee-I-Oh!”...