It’s a beautiful day at the pumpkin farm! Today we took Emerson to Carroll’s Pumpkin Farm in Grinnell. Meghan and Jory joined us for the fall festivities and Emme’s first pumpkin adventure. It was a gorgeous day full of goats, a tractor ride, pumpkins, caramel apple slices, root beer, teeter-totting, bouncing and more!...
Emerson is finally putting the ‘toddle’ into toddler! Today marks 13 months and her first real steps! The past few days she’s been toddling around the house – crawling, standing up and taking a few steps, kneeling back down and repeating the process. She knows she’s on to something exciting because she laughs and shrieks like a little monkey while we clap and cheer her on. We’re already excited to see where those crazy legs take her! Stay tuned for photos and video…...
1 Year Photos
A month after the fact, I’m finally getting around to posting pictures of Emerson’s 1 year photo shoot! We had a blast with the girls at Digital Galleria Designs and Emerson was delighted by all the attention. She was in a very silly mood and the hardest part of the whole day was ordering photos (thankfully cleaning cake off the floor wasn’t our worry). We brought balloons, a rocking chair from when I was her age, lots of hair accessories that she wouldn’t leave on her head, bubbles, my favorite 30-year-old Okoboji sweatshirt (my dad gave it to my mom while they were dating) and of course cake! Some props...
Milestone Update
13 months — my one-year-old in action! From the time Emerson started daycare (7 months ago) she’s cried EVERY time I’ve dropped her off… until today. This morning when I dropped her off she was full of waves, smiles, and ‘Hi’s’ for everyone. Even when I sat her down to play with some balls (she can also say ‘Ball’!) she waved at me and said, ‘Hi.’ I didn’t hear a single peep out of her when I made the big exit. Maybe I could have saved myself some heartache if I had been saying ‘Hi’ instead of ‘Bye’ to her every morning. Even without adequate amounts of sleep, my days...
Rainy and Waffly Weekend
It’s been a relaxing weekend for Emme, Bela and me while Nic has been in Humboldt. Of course we miss Dad, but in the mean time we’re keeping busy with walks, movies, books, Skype and waffles! Yesterday we made our weekly stroll to the square for delicious warm beverages and light shopping. Then Emerson had a good chat with her Gram and Grampa before a sweet afternoon nap. We watched my new favorite movie, Secretariat, and cuddled the night away. This morning we slept in late (8am!), made waffles and read lots of books (Emerson prefers to read to me). Now we’re just waiting for Nic to get home with...