

Labor Day

It was 10 pm on Labor Day last year that I went to bed fully expecting to go to work the next day and disappointed that my due date had come and gone without any sign of a baby. Two hours later I woke up in discomfort which I soon realized was the start of contractions! By 7 am they were 5 min apart and we headed to the hospital. Even after 9 months of pregnancy it was hard to believe the time had come. Emerson was born at 9:49 am barely giving us enough time to get checked in. Funny how I’ve felt rushed ever since!...

Birthday Countdown

Emerson had her 1 year photos taken yesterday! We had a blast — luckily it was a very photogenic day. She smiled pretty and I’m excited to unveil the photos… next weekend! Trust me, they’re wonderful. Until then, here she is eating toast and lasagna. I wish I could say she had as much fun smashing her cake at the photo shoot as she did last night eating dinner....

Sweet Sleep

I CANNOT believe it! Every couple of weeks Emerson will sleep through the night a few times, but today is especially grand because everyone slept in! For the first time in over a year I slept soundly through the night without a single interruption until 8am. Even if this is a once a year occurrence, I’m thrilled to know it’s possible! Here’s Emme after a full night of beauty sleep....

Nic’s 28th

Hard to believe another Friday is here! Somehow I made it through the week without posting pictures from Nic’s birthday last Saturday. It was a beautiful morning spent walking to the square, eating breakfast at Smokey Row and shoe shopping! I wish every weekend started out like this! Later that day my dad visited and we had a great time relaxing, playing with Emerson and watching movies. Here are a few shots of the delicious biscuits and gravy breakfast…      ...

What’s In Your Toolbox?

This morning I was greeted with a weekly email from, “Hi Amanda, your baby is 50 weeks old!” How nice of them to keep track of Emerson’s milestones for me. It’s funny how I find comfort in computer-generated newsletters but week after week I look forward to reading them. We’ve come a long way; from poppy-seed to watermelon to newborn to toddler – TheBump was right there with me. Any website that I can look to for insight and experience from other women is worth reading. TheBump isn’t the only website that keeps me on track. In fact, there’s a handful of sites that my scatter brain needs to...