

Ode to Dads

This may be a day late but I still feel like showing some appreciation for the dads in my life! We are continually blessed by our fathers who guide us, teach us, and unconditionally love us.  I admire my dad in too many ways to speak of; watching that same bond form between Emerson and her dad is something only a daughter could fully appreciate. Happy Father’s Week!...

9-1/2 Month Photos

Today I shopped online for a car seat upgrade because at 9 months Emerson measured in at 29 inches (95 percentile)! Since then, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s spurted right past 30 inches which is the length limit of the infant seat. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that even though she’s more than tripled in size she’s still a baby! Her weight was 19.6 lbs (75 percentile) and is a main attribute to my developing mom muscles. We’ve fallen into the habit of waiting until the middle of the month to attempt the milestone photo shoot, but here it is – hot off the memory card!      ...

The Adventuress

There doesn’t seem to be an ounce of fear in Emerson at this age. She loves a good thrill and curiosity drives her to try new things every day. A little bit on the reckless side, she is known to try to crawl off the edge of the bed, defy the table by standing up underneath it, eat dog food and most recently… purposely dunk her face under water during bath time. Preventing these explorations is a full-time job in itself. The best way to do so is keeping her very busy and we did just that this weekend. We started it off Friday night with a pedicure followed by...

Another 9 Months

I almost can’t keep up with my 9-month old! She is growing, changing and developing her personality more and more every day.  She loves pulling herself into standing positions and finally figured out how to kneel and sit back down. Underneath the table is her favorite place to play and she could easily spend hours at a time examining the chair legs.  She laughs hysterically when we ‘chase’ her while she’s crawling at top speeds towards Bela’s food.  She doesn’t bother putting her knees down on the ground because it only slows her down. She’s eating great, sleeping so-so and loving daycare. Tomorrow is her 9 month well-child exam and...