

Aunties Visit!

We had the pleasure of spending last weekend with Meghan and Jory! Emerson enjoyed some exhausting quality time with her Aunties while Nic and I attempted our first garage sale (total dud). Top that off with a little shopping in Des Moines and taco pizza and you get a perfect weekend!...

Tuckered Out

The traditional post-daycare nap is most likely to blame for our middle-of-the-night play dates… but who could put a stop to this sweetness? Bela is patiently waiting to play....

Isle of Firsts

Emerson and I spent Friday and Saturday night in Waterloo at the Isle of Capri with her Gram and Berta! We had a blast and Emme experienced many ‘firsts’ during our stay.    ...

Signs of Life

Emerson isn’t the only one growing around here! There was snow on the ground when we bought our house so all of the lovely landscaping has been a pleasant surprise!...