My dad came this weekend to help us with a few odd jobs around the house. We jazzed up the closet in Emerson’s room and still had plenty of time for some fun....
Carrot Top
We celebrated the 7-month mark with another attempt at baby food. Rice cereal has been going very well the past few weeks, so we thought it was time to try again. I used many sneaky tactics tonight to make this a fun experience for her. She dined on carrots in her ‘Bounce and Spin Frogger’ while I sang the Indian Fight Song (her current favorite tune – Ra-Ra-Ra!). It turned out to be everything I could have asked for. She loved the carrots and ate like a champ. I will definitely be buying darker-colored towels for occasions such as this. As we were finishing up she noticed her reflection in the...
Serious Playtime
Sunny Days
The weather this weekend was a total blessing after a stressful week of moving and being sick. We’re settling in to our house and everyone finally seems to be feeling good again. Yesterday Emerson and I strolled up to the square for a little shopping and girl-time. A dose of fresh air and sunshine had us loving life!...
Tuckered Out
Last night Emerson achieved record amounts of sleep. She slept in her car seat for almost 3 hours after daycare before I finally woke her up. An hour later she was back to sleep on the couch. This is the first time I’ve seen her fall asleep mid-activity (other than eating)! Whether daycare, a cold, or the craziness from moving is the culprit of this sleepiness, it’s effects lasted through the night....