What I’ve learned: Announcing that your baby is sleeping through the night will do nothing but jinx the situation. Don’t ever admit she’s sleeping through the night, or you’ll pay. Several months ago I wrote about how well Emerson was sleeping through the night. Since then she hasn’t slept through one single night. A few weeks ago I wrote that she was sleeping from 9 to 3. Since then she’s been sleeping from 10 to 12. After 6 months of getting less than half the amount of sleep I’m used to, I’m feeling pretty defeated. It seems like every time I start to feel really good about the way things...
Toothy Grin
Check out my sweet teeth! I’ve had a hard time getting them here, but aren’t they great!? This has been an exciting week because I started daycare! I go three days a week and get to play with lots of other babies my same size! My mom’s eyes got very watery the first time she dropped me off, I think she was sad. It will get easier for her once she sees how much fun I have while I’m there! I tried to eat avocado this week but the thought of food still makes me gag. Even though I love sitting in my high chair and watching mom and dad...
Green Bean Girl
We held out on baby food until Emerson made it to the 6 month mark. Green beans were a great success on our very first attempt. Based on her dislike of the rice cereal, I was worried she might be difficult when it came time to try new things. As you can see, she enjoyed the beans very much (not quite as much as mom though). After last night’s triumph, I expected smooth sailing in the eating department. Wrong. Tonight was nothing but tribulation. I got out the green beans, vroomed them up to her mouth and she opened wide just like the night before. One difference – instead of...
Dear Emerson,
Happy half-birthday sweetie! You are my beautiful sunshine each and every day! Love, Mom...
It’s Saturday and Emerson is taking her morning nap. After going 2 weeks without our computer I’m uninspired to do anything outside of catching up the blog and surfing the web! Once again, it’s snowing outside and I would be happy not to leave the house at all this weekend. We’re looking forward to some big changes in the coming month! My princess will be 6 months old next week! The time has come for her to start daycare. I’m thrilled to have put it off as long as we did and I know her dad treasured the time they had together while she was just a wee one. As...