

Sisterhood of the New Pants

How can a few new pairs of pants make me feel so much better about life? Some girl-time with Meghan and Emerson yesterday gave me just the boost I’ve been craving lately. I fulfilled my need for a wardrobe re-vamp and my sister fulfilled her fantasy of toting ‘her’ baby around the outdoor mall. It was a perfect Wednesday afternoon, complete with pizza, laughs and a lot of retail therapy! I would take Nannykins Meghan everywhere with me if given the option! I wish both my sisters lived closer but it’s always fun to unexpectedly meet up somewhere in the middle. Emerson is quite the trooper when it comes to shopping...

Oh Say Can You Say

Looking back, there are certain things I hope to always remember about Emerson at this age (there are also things I hope to forget but let’s stay positive). We’ve been having a blast these past few weeks and it’s certainly a welcome distraction from the winter blues. I’m talking about an extraordinarily happy baby, folks! She wakes up smiling in the morning and keeps it up all day long. Like her mom, she gets pretty cranky without adequate amounts of beauty sleep – you know she’s beyond tired when the screaming begins. Throughout the day… she’s amused by our faces, hair and voices; she loves playing on her activity mat...

Rolling with Bela

As if making it to the 4 month mark yesterday wasn’t exciting enough, Emerson took it one step further by rolling over for the first time! To top it off, we got it on camera! Here’s proof of her fascination with Bela – I hope she doesn’t mimic him to the point of barking – one dog is enough!...