Picture time! This year I jumped at the idea of a ‘Back to School’ themed session for Emerson’s three-year pics. It worked out perfectly that this was offered at the same time she’ll be turning three and also starting preschool at Safari (contingent upon potty-training which deserves an entire post in itself). Going along with the theme, I ordered an adorable preppy outfit online. True to form, I was a little late in doing so, and had to come up with something for her to wear last-minute (outfit arrived in the mail 2 days after her photos were taken). We picked out a good sweater and jeans combo that ended...
Wordless Wednesday #puppylove
Mommy’s Little Flower Keeper
Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockleshells, and pretty maids in a row! My little pumpkin sneaks outside to help Gaga water plants as much as possible. If it’s touching the ground, she’s going to pour water on it. I need to catch it on video because she narrates as she waters, saying things like, “This guy is thirsty!” or “Oh, you need some water too? OK.” It doesn’t do her any justice to type it out because her voice is so cute at this age!...
Monkeyin’ Around
I love time with my sisters, E loves time with her aunties. 4 days of uninterrupted monkey business produced amazing results…...
Happy Independence Day!
We hope everyone had a fun 4th of July! Perfect weather, family and friends, and backyard games were just a few elements of our holiday. Emerson was outside bouncing and swimming all afternoon and had even more fun once her friend Bremer showed up to play! We grilled, ate a lot of desserts, and finally cuddled up in bed to watch amazing live fireworks (WAY too tired to fight the crowds in Okoboji). I literally wish every day was the 4th of July – always a favorite holiday!...