

Love Bug

Another Pinterest success! Honestly, how did we survive without it?! Emerson had a blast selecting the bugs and sticking them onto the jars for her friends at daycare. So cute and easy!...

Papa’s Girl

Emerson is truly crazy about each of her grandparents, but last weekend Papa was definitely her chosen playmate. From the moment he walked in the door Friday night after work she kept him busy. They snuggled up in a ‘fort’ Em made, she doctored him up with lots of band-aids and baby bottles, and they even managed to do some sledding before the last of our snow melted.  ...

The Gateway Acrobatic

While these sweet little somersaults are all in good fun I’m afraid of what this fearless girl will think of next! Forward, backward, sideways; in the air,  on the ground… off the furniture or the walls… who knows!...

‘A’ is for Art

I’ve been faced with the problem of how to handle the constant stream of arts and crafts coming home with E from daycare week after week. I love each piece so much I can’t ever bare to toss anything in the trash. As you can imagine, the finger paintings accumulate at alarming rates and there will never be enough square footage to display each one. So until her first gallery opens, I had the brilliant idea of devoting a whole page on Smart at What I Know to Emerson’s art! Check out the new ‘A’ is for Art link in the navigation at the top of the page to see Em’s...

House Painting 101

Back in December I asked Emerson several times what she wanted for Christmas. For whatever reason she replied each time with great enthusiasm, “I want to paint a bird’s house, mom!” My first thought? Thank God she can speak because I never would have guessed that! My second thought? What in the world… A few weeks passed and she was still set on this bird home improvement craft — reminding me often. Gaga came to the rescue finding a bird house in the closet previously painted by aunt Mimi (maybe it runs in the family). Emerson was thrilled to makeover the bird house in a lovely shade of pink she...