

Birthday Weekend: Saturday

Still no sign of confetti or clowns but Emerson was thrilled to see her Papa and Gaga! My sisters decided to celebrate with us on Sunday and Nic’s family was unable to attend so aside from Katie and our special surprise guest, Uncle Bill,  we were the extent of the party. In the beginning I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to arrange for everyone to get together at the same time and place but looking back I’m grateful, for Emerson’s sake, that she was able to spend the one-on-one time with everyone and not feel overwhelmed by a large crowd of people all at once. This is definitely the...

Birthday Weekend: Friday

For the entire year leading up to Emerson’s second birthday I’ve been dreaming it would be filled with confetti falling from the sky, balloons as far as the eye can reach, circus performers in the front yard…. something extraordinary! We awakened on that 7th day of September to the harsh reality that time was not going to halt so that we might run around with ribbon dancers and frolic happily in a meadow. Oh no.  We were thrown into the regular whirlwind morning routine complete with a floor of yogurt and a disheveled mother which led into a full day of work for me and daycare for E.  This particular...

Made You Blink!

Emerson had a staring contest with my phone while taking a bath last night. She’s fascinated by watching herself onscreen while we make movies…. I don’t think she even blinked once!...

Two Step

Happy 2nd Birthday (yesterday) to my enchanting Emerson! We love you and can’t wait to see what the next year brings! Enjoy some wonderful photos from E’s 2 year shoot. Many thanks to the girls at Emery Photo+Design — your patience and creativity are very refreshing!...

Anchors Away

I have a soft spot for anything nautical inspired (think stripes, Sperry’s, flags, boats, rope, anchors… everything) so when I saw this adorable dress I knew it was the perfect excuse for a maritime adventure! After leaving it hang in the closet for several months, we finally woke up one Saturday morning and decided it was the day Emerson would become a sailor. The marina on lake Red Rock was the perfect spot to explore on this particular cloudy morning so we began our day hiking down to the water. The docks were lined with majestic sailboats and I attempted to capture my adorable tot admiring each one while gazing...