

Christmas 2014

Better late than never, right?! I hope this finds you happy and healthy in the new year! I swear each year the holidays get a little crazier and I need more and more time just to recover. This year especially after the influenza bug took down our household and hijacked my one week of planned vacation for the year. After a pathetic week of accomplishing absolutely nothing, it was back to snow-covered reality. Thankfully we were able to have an amazing Christmas before this all went down. This was Emerson’s year to spend Christmas Eve with her dad; while I know she had a wonderful time with him and his family, she was...

‘Twas the Week Before Christmas…

… and what a busy week it was! In the final week leading up to Christmas we really packed-in the holiday cheer.  Emerson had a blast at the Polar Express pajama party and Santa visit at school… Then she got to decorate another Christmas tree at Gaga’s house… On Saturday we grabbed cookies and coffee and finally made it to our grand old mall to visit Santa and see the decorated Christmas trees. She didn’t have much on her list this year… just a brain and a paddle. Her favorite movie,  Wizard of Oz, has gotten the idea in her head that you have to see the wizard, or in...

Operation Gingerbread House

It’s not really fair to say I went all out with the Gingerbread House activity tonight since it came pre-assembled…. but let me tell you I made up for it in frosting and sugar coated goodness. My candy obsessed daughter was frothing at the mouth before we even managed to unpack the box. One minor set-back… the conveniently assembled house was missing half its roof. While we waited for the super glue to dry, Emerson played with Christmas lights to keep her enthusiasm at bay. Once we got into it, I frosted and E decorated. She loved ‘making patterns’ with the candy and all but a few pieces were strategically placed on...

Giving Thanks

Let me come right out and say we celebrated Thanksgiving this year in the presence of our Christmas tree. The snow-covered trees outside had me yearning for holiday cheer inside so the weekend before Turkey Day we went for it. The tree went up and Emerson decorated to her heart’s content. For a whole week I enjoyed the dirty little secret Christmas tree before turning the lights on for all to see. Next on our to-do list was to wait in suspense until Meggie and Mimi arrived! Lucky for us they came an entire day early and Emerson was in heaven. We hadn’t all been home together since last Christmas so it was a...

Oh My, October!

So long, October!  It came. It went. It’s over! We really enjoyed this past month and all its beautiful fall glory! Here’s a quick re-cap made possible by leftover Halloween candy and a giant bowl of candy corn. Emerson kept me guessing with a wide range of interests as of late. From bugs, to dress-up, to collages, you never can tell what she’ll be interested in day-to-day. She managed to capture two tiny katydids while playing outside one afternoon — Roxy and Squirt. They survived a few days in their new habitat before their demise followed by quite a few intense discussions about life and death…. we’ll be keeping ‘pets’ to a minimum after this ordeal.  E...