We’re well into August and I think it’s time to say good-bye to summer and hello to fall. From my lack of posts these past few months its safe to assume one of two things: #1 I’ve been way too busy to think about blogging; or #2 This summer was way too dull to blog about. Of course it’s #1. Between moving, painting, unpacking, work and freelance, plus fitting in some fun here and there (plenty of it) it’s been one crazy summer. There’s been one other set-back I like to call the case of the missing camera. Of all the random items I misplaced in our move, the camera has...
Toddler Talk #wetwedgy
It’s been way too long since I’ve done one of these! It could be because by the time she’s voiced one opinion, the next one is rolling off her tongue before I can even process the depth and importance of what we were even talking about in the first place. Tricky toddlers, I tell ya. This was just too good not to share. Stop reading now if you’re offended by the topic of poop. At 3 am this morning, Emerson stumbled into my room telling me something equally hilarious and horrifying, “Mommy, I had a wet wedgy.” I’m not sure how long it took me to realize what she was saying,...
A girl and her dog.
There is nothing I love more than my favorite little creatures; for Bela to become the center of E’s world is enough to melt my heart. I swear she’s scheming new games to play with him 24/7. Whether or not he appreciates the extra attention is honestly a topic of debate but if he hates it you’d never know. Getting locked in various rooms throughout the house is probably not his favorite, but he doesn’t seem to mind when she brushes him or covers him in blankets. A few days ago Emerson declared it was Bela’s birthday and has insisted ever since that we make him a cake and have...
Home is Where the Paint Flies
Without meaning to I’ve taken a one+ month hiatus from our little ol’ blog. It’s been a busy summer but now that we’re basically settled in I think it’s time to get caught-up! First things first: we closed on the house on Friday the 13th last month and immediately brought in 6 gallons of paint and got right to work that same day. A total of 15 gallons later we’d finished most of the painting and moved in. I could not be more relieved the painting phase only lasted a week thanks to the help of several dedicated family members… Meghan was a downright animal with paint roller in hand. I COULD NOT have done it without...
It’s Happening
I’ve been hanging on to some pretty exciting news for the past few months. I bought a house! A week from today, Emerson and I will be closing on our new house and getting the moving party started! It has been such a great blessing to live with my parents for the past year and a half. It really is overwhelming to think of how much has changed during that time, but the stars have aligned and I have nothing but positive feelings about moving on and into our own home (even if it is only a few blocks away)! I think my parents are pretty excited as well; although they have...