March ended on a warmer note than it started on…. good enough for us! Emerson, Bela and I took advantage by walking to the park on Sunday for the first time this year! We were all a little more than giddy to get out of the house and although it was pretty breezy we loved every second of fresh air. Keeping track of a monkey AND a dog at the park honestly isn’t my favorite activity to multi-task but Em thinks it’s the coolest thing when other kids want to pet her doggy and I personally love his company. I’m seriously taking one for the team by posting this pic...
Iowa City or Bust
I’ve had a major itch to plan a weekend getaway all winter; now that the weather is beginning to hint at spring the time had come to get out of the house! We had the perfect excuse to visit my sisters in Iowa City this past weekend and made a nice little weekend of it. It’s hard to believe my youngest sister will be graduating from Iowa in a few short months. I couldn’t be prouder that she’s followed in my footsteps as a Graphic Design major! This excites me for many reasons (family business?!) but I have seriously been looking forward to her BFA gallery show for months and...
So. Much. Mess.
Did the toys get wet? Did somebody feed the stuffed animals after midnight? I think they’re multiplying! I’m amazed at how easy it is to forget just how much stuff has accumulated until it’s all sitting in a pile staring you in the face. The speed at which this pile-up is accomplished is equally as amazing. Let’s rewind. After breakfast Sunday morning, Emerson contentedly played in her room while I reluctantly worked in my room (putting away laundry and prepping for taxes). When I checked in on her the first time, what I found was too cute to forget. It appeared to me that Emerson was watching her babies watch...
Love-ly Little Miss
Lots of love to you on Valentine’s Day! Emerson and I enjoyed a very nice Valentine’s Day weekend at home with Papa and Gaga! I think we woke up to more and more snow every day this week so a snuggly weekend at home was the perfect recipe for a sweet V-day. E’s day started at school where she got to hand out her fun glow-stick valentines; she loved them so much she cried (a lot) when I told her they were for her friends. She felt a lot better about it when she saw all the cool treats her friends brought her! Earlier in the week Emerson got a...
Six More Weeks?
“A Super Bowl winner, I will not predict. But my weather forecast you cannot contradict, why that’s not a football but my shadow I see. Six more weeks of winter it must be.” – Punxsutawney Phil Straight from the mouth of the beloved groundhog, Phil, in just a little more than 6 weeks winter will be all but a cold memory. Not only am I looking forward to warmer weather for my own well-being, I’m desperately hoping Phil’s predictions are correct for the sake of Emerson’s winter outerwear. Last weekend we took some measurements after discovering her snow-pants were now more accurately snow-capris and barely came down to cover the...