

Rolling with Bela

As if making it to the 4 month mark yesterday wasn’t exciting enough, Emerson took it one step further by rolling over for the first time! To top it off, we got it on camera! Here’s proof of her fascination with Bela – I hope she doesn’t mimic him to the point of barking – one dog is enough!...

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Babies have a way of putting magic into each day and this is no different for holidays. As we’re gearing up for Christmas, Emerson has made it impossible for me to forget the true reason for the excitement in my heart during this time. We have been blessed beyond belief this year and are thankful for every moment with our silly, sweet, three-month old daughter! Forgive the cliche, but Emerson is growing like a weed! She has the cutest round belly and some long legs that already show great dancing potential! I wouldn’t be surprised if she skipped crawling all together and went right to walking because she love loves...


With each new day, I know a little more than the day before. After only 8 short weeks of motherhood the subject matter of the things ‘I Know’ has changed dramatically! It didn’t just happen over night; I definitely remember the moment when I realized I had really gotten to know Emerson. What a magical feeling. In the past, having 7 consecutive weeks off from work would have felt like winning the lottery. Now that it’s finally come and gone I find it’s only a fraction of the time I would have liked. Each day of baby vacation was measured in more ways than I can count – number of...