Emerson loves helping her Gaga in the kitchen! We made blueberry and bran muffins last weekend while we were in Spirit Lake. She’s especially talented at stirring the batter and arranging the muffin cups (REarranging the muffin cups)....
Night Glow

This weekend Lake Red Rock is hosting their second annual Balloon Fest, so of course we had to check it out tonight. We watched in amazement as each balloon was laid flat on the ground, pumped with hot air and sprung to life! What a vibrant way to spend a beautiful Saturday night! Hopefully next year we can stay later in the evening to see them in the sky!...
Emerson and Abigail were so thoughtful to provide 4th of July entertainment yesterday! The adults enjoyed watching their little game of Hide-and-Shriek as much if not more than they enjoyed playing it. Emme will never be satisfied with hiding alone in the curtains again after having such a blast with Abby! Thanks for spending the holiday with us, Smiths!...
What’s Going on Back There?
Driving to daycare this morning we hit every stoplight which allowed me to contentedly watch Emerson in the rear view mirror. She concentrated intensely on threading the Velcro straps of her shoes through the holes only to remove them and start over again repeatedly. I love to catch her in the act of anything without her knowing I’m watching. We’ve come so far from the days of kicking and screaming at the sight of the car seat and crying to be let out only 30 minutes into a 4 hour drive. My busy little bee has found many interesting ways to pass the time in the back seat. I remember...
Memorial Day Weekend ’12
This was nothing short of a full weekend! Emerson and I spent Thursday night through Sunday afternoon in Spirit Lake. We took a stroll through the park Friday morning and while checking out The Queen found a family of ducks to watch. In all of her excitement upon the scene of ducklings, Emerson wiped out and scraped up her knees. This was her first real injury involving blood and although she only cried for a minute she’s still reminding me of her ‘boo boo’ a week later (it’s completely healed). The day only got better when we met up with my favorite long-lost Okobojians — Mia and Susan! We spent...