Laugh Brush off the small stuff; bring back the ‘Stress Less’ attitude. Play Make more time for hobbies; enrich down-time with Emerson. Cook Find creativity in the kitchen; involve E in making healthy choices. Read Turn off the TV and pick up all those books I never make time to read. Write Keep on blogging; step-up the self-reflection and develop my ‘voice.’...
More Money, More Problems
At 2-1/2 years old, Emerson is deeply fascinated by the subject of money. She quickly caught on to all of our change hoarding spots in the house and makes a habit out of checking them frequently so that she may make a deposit into her own bank. Earlier this week she asked me if we could go to the store and buy a wagon. I asked her how much money she had and if she was willing to trade her change for a wagon. She replied that she would like to save her money but that we could use my money. Wise beyond her years!...
A Bittersweet Turn of Events
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. – Reinhold Niebuh Normally I wouldn’t write anything this personal for the world to read, but I’d like to briefly share our recent journey so that we might possibly begin moving forward again. It’s been difficult to blog in the past month as our family has been experiencing many changes. I am thankful to have had the wisdom to know that separating from Emerson’s father was the right thing to do and that we’d all be better for it eventually. I didn’t realize...
Putting the ‘P’ in Potty
A few months ago we began hearing the word ‘potty’ fly out of Emerson’s mouth left and right; it was time to shop for her special seat. Of course we ended up with a decked-out throne complete with side compartments for reading materials/entertainment and the doodad necessary for a fully functioning toilet paper roll. It may not play music, but the lid folds down to serve its dual purpose as a sturdy step-stool or bench so we hope it will be used during potty training and far beyond.The plan was to make it available to her for familiarization but not force it until we knew she was completely ready. She...
What’s In Your Toolbox?
This morning I was greeted with a weekly email from, “Hi Amanda, your baby is 50 weeks old!” How nice of them to keep track of Emerson’s milestones for me. It’s funny how I find comfort in computer-generated newsletters but week after week I look forward to reading them. We’ve come a long way; from poppy-seed to watermelon to newborn to toddler – TheBump was right there with me. Any website that I can look to for insight and experience from other women is worth reading. TheBump isn’t the only website that keeps me on track. In fact, there’s a handful of sites that my scatter brain needs to...