

Oh Say Can You Say

Looking back, there are certain things I hope to always remember about Emerson at this age (there are also things I hope to forget but let’s stay positive). We’ve been having a blast these past few weeks and it’s certainly a welcome distraction from the winter blues. I’m talking about an extraordinarily happy baby, folks! She wakes up smiling in the morning and keeps it up all day long. Like her mom, she gets pretty cranky without adequate amounts of beauty sleep – you know she’s beyond tired when the screaming begins. Throughout the day… she’s amused by our faces, hair and voices; she loves playing on her activity mat...

Chatty Cathy

As a new mom I often dream about what the future holds for my sweet, innocent, perfect baby.  Not only what path she’ll follow through life, but what kind of person she’ll be along the way. It seems like everyday I’m amazed by something new; today it happens to be the wonderful personality spilling out of my tiny little girl. I am loving the suspense of watching her grow little by little and am inspired by her sweet yet curious disposition. Becoming a mom is a funny thing. For two months I looked for sleep in every possible nook and cranny. Now that Emerson is finally sleeping 6+ hours through...


With each new day, I know a little more than the day before. After only 8 short weeks of motherhood the subject matter of the things ‘I Know’ has changed dramatically! It didn’t just happen over night; I definitely remember the moment when I realized I had really gotten to know Emerson. What a magical feeling. In the past, having 7 consecutive weeks off from work would have felt like winning the lottery. Now that it’s finally come and gone I find it’s only a fraction of the time I would have liked. Each day of baby vacation was measured in more ways than I can count – number of...

Hallelujah, holy shit!

Even my favorite chair wasn’t comfy this week… While my dreams were nightmare-free the past several nights (huge accomplishment), I still seemed to have a nightmare of a week. Nothing was right… I pulled through to the end only to find myself at work on a Saturday. You’re probably wondering how that could be so bad since I’m sitting here blogging and drinking a vanilla chai, but the idea of sitting at my desk in the dark ‘working’ when I could be at home cuddling with my dog on the couch is very upsetting. I’ve been tested more times in the past week than I care to discuss but I...

Crazy Train

I guess I missed my stop to get off the crazy train! Seven months pregnant I find myself with more on my plate than usual. Normally nonchalant and cool-headed, I maintain a balanced state no matter what the circumstance. In the past month I’ve been tested in a variety of categories including a new life-long roommate, self-control, apartment flooding, moving and my beloved dog seizing — all of which I feel I’ve failed in one way or another. Women as hormonal as me should come with a warning label. My pregnant alter-ego is quick-tempered, emotionally unbalanced, neurotic and in a constant state of anxiety-ridden panic. Try as I might to...