Sunday morning we woke up with the sun and went along with Nic to his favorite fishing spot. The scenery was literally picture-perfect and I now understand why he ventures there so often. Emerson and I had fun hiking around, bird-watching, and finding sticks while Bela tore through the grass enjoying every last second of freedom in the wild. If ticks didn’t exist, I would begin every day just like this. ...
This Old House
Our home reached it’s 101 year milestone last March when we purchased it! I knew that with age would come character and potential problems down the road, but what I wasn’t expecting was 100 coats of paint. Part of the appeal of this house was that a large portion of it had been newly remodeled. The only room that needed immediate attention was the bathroom. To me, the bathroom in its (then) current state stood for everything a bathroom shouldn’t be… dark, drab, and a wee bit depressing. In April I began the bathroom makeover with hopes of completing it within the month. Little did I know it would take...
18 Month Photos
This morning we had an appointment bright and early at 8 am for Emerson’s 18 month photos! She was very camera-shy and smiled with her tongue hanging out for most of the shots but we had a fun time anyway and got some cute photos in the process. Here are a few of my favorites!...
18 Months: A Day in the Life
Today I stalked Emerson with the camera to capture her latest and greatest! It’s been a while since I’ve shared any milestone updates, so today I made a point to follow Emerson around with my camera to show you what she’s been up to… She’s been very interested in arranging, stacking, re-arranging and grouping objects lately. With a little help from Grandpa, this is the makings of a foam shapes tower — I imagine someday all 84 pieces will be stacked! After breakfast we said goodbye to Grandpa Gene and his beard until the next visit. I’m sure he was ready to get home and relax after all the playing...
Birthday Flashback
Happy 1/2 Birthday, Big E! In honor of Emerson’s half-birthday coming up in a few days, I decided to finally gather up the 1 year birthday party photos! I was so wrapped up in everything going smoothly that day, I barely took any pics myself (lucky for me that’s what grandmas are for)! It’s fun to look back and really see how quickly they grow up! I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months! Thanks to everyone who made this such a fun day! ...