What would Easter not be complete without? Dying eggs. Before Emerson left to spend the weekend with her dad and grandparents, we got busy coloring Easter eggs. We enlisted some help to blow the yolks out of the shell — neither one of us had the required lung capacity. After that she whizzed through a carton of eggs dipping each one in the dye whole-handedly. If I had followed the directions the colors may have turned out a little richer, but it was fun and who doesn’t love pastels for springtime? Sunday afternoon E returned home for an egg hunt — we were able to venture outside as it was a beautiful...
Easter Bunny Bonanza

The only day of the year Emerson will go near eggs: Easter! After a yummy family dinner and cheesecake, Em finally got to have her egg hunt. She’d been looking into the whereabouts of her Easter eggs from last year for quite some time, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to this holiday myself. She shrieked with delight while running through the yard collecting all 58 eggs. There’s definitely something to be said about the weather allowing us to hunt eggs outside — it was the epitome of a perfect day at a whopping 75 degrees! After all the eggs were opened and their contents were sorted out, E...
Easter Jubilee
Easter has an interesting way of bringing out the competitive side of my family. There’s something about the thrill of an Easter egg hunt that is enjoyable and exciting even in adulthood. While Emerson visited her dad for some Easter festivities, my sisters and I battled it out down to the very last egg, hidden very well might I add. Even with the aid of Em’s shopping cart, I was not agile enough to defeat my sisters — Meghan collected the most eggs for a landslide victory. My mom’s elaborate and infamous game of eggs is full of cash, candy and prizes. Lucky for me, the rules of the game stipulate...
Easter Weekend
Hippity Hoppity, Easter’s on its way! Emerson was able to see all 4 grandparents over the holiday weekend. We started it off Friday morning with a long drive to Spirit Lake. It was relaxing to get there early in the afternoon and to spend the day with Gram before everyone else made it home. E had a blast with her Aunties and I have to say Jory was hands-down the favorite this visit… sorry Meg but you know it’s true! The absolute highlight of the weekend for Emerson was the Easter egg hunt. Her natural inclination to carry a basket or purse at all times was a huge advantage. Gram’s egg...
What better time than Easter to remember all the ways we are blessed! Emerson and I enjoyed a long weekend in Spirit Lake with my family. She soaked up every minute with her aunts and grandparents and hardly let them forget the talents she recently mastered: crawling and waving. The Easter Bunny spoiled her all weekend long and she deserved every second. Here are a few other highlights…...