

Yummy Muck

Who knew the label on the milk carton is written in Emerson’s very own baby language? I wish I had a translator for most of what she says but as long as she knows what she’s talking about I will just go along with what she tells me....

Tiptoe Through the Tulips — 19 Months

At 19 months, Emerson loves to play outside and doesn’t come back inside the house without a fight. Thanks to the unseasonably warm weather this year we’ve already racked up several walks to the park, collected all the sticks in our yard (and every other yard on the way to the park), made a few trips around town in the bike trailer with dad, and jogged with mom in the stroller — she’s a great passenger! Going hand-in-hand with the great outdoors, Emerson is deeply fascinated by animals. She has learned to say bird, dog, puppy, kitty, woof, meow, and tweet. We are working at distinguishing dogs from all other...

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Super Bowl Swagger

The Super Bowl: whether it’s the binge snacking, half-time show, cutting-edge commercials or suspense of the game… it makes an NFL fan out of me once every year. Emerson loved the snacks and was especially enthused about the half-time show. She ‘Vogued’ with Madonna and was pleasantly surprised by the LMFAO guest performance (her favorite). She looked pretty tired during the first half of the game, but party rocking brought on a second wind which lasted until 11 pm…  Someone should consider Super Bowl Saturday instead of Sunday so that sleeping-in the following day is a possibility....

Say Queso…

…because everybody needs a cheesy night out once in a while! It’s no wonder that since having a toddler the frequency at which we eat out has dropped to practically nothing. It only took a few bad experiences to realize eating out was far more work than dining in. Spilled drinks, toddler tantrums and unspeakable messes are better held in the privacy of our own home. There does happen to be one magical place in town that is stimulating enough to captivate Emme for an entire meal: El Charro. Fun music, lively murals, friendly service and food on our table in a matter of minutes is a winning combination. Emme...