

Jack O’Lanterns

Earlier this week we carved pumpkins! I can’t remember the last time I did this but I can say I quite enjoyed it. Many thanks to the newfangled pumpkin carving tools — especially the seed scooper! Getting my hands dirty is not worth the carving experience… who knew I could have the best of both worlds! Emerson watched restlessly and was more interested in eating the slimy seeds than anything else. Any known health risks related to this? All in all I was thrilled to have an outdoor family activity on that 75 degree day!...

Punky Patch

It’s a beautiful day at the pumpkin farm! Today we took Emerson to Carroll’s Pumpkin Farm in Grinnell. Meghan and Jory joined us for the fall festivities and Emme’s first pumpkin adventure. It was a gorgeous day full of goats, a tractor ride, pumpkins, caramel apple slices, root beer, teeter-totting, bouncing and more!...