

Girl Friends

Can I just say how wonderful it is to sit back and watch my friends fall under the spell of my daughter? Thinking back to the ‘pre-mom’ days I am not sure I was quite as outgoing and loving with young children as my friends are with Emerson. Their support throughout the past year has meant the world to me and while many of them are not yet aboard the baby train, I know they will all be outstanding mothers. You know who you are, I love you all! A very close friend recently moved to Pella; it’s been nothing but a blessing. Not only do we work together but...

Toy Recycling

It’s always refreshing to see Emme think outside the box. Just when I thought she had no further use for her activity mat, she reinvented it’s purpose — fort! Instead of laying on top of it and playing with the dangling toys, she likes to turn it up-side-down and play underneath! I wish I could take credit for this clever idea, but she was way ahead of me....

Granddad Visits

My dad came this weekend to help us with a few odd jobs around the house. We jazzed up the closet in Emerson’s room and still had plenty of time for some fun....