

Go Emme, It’s Your Birthday!

There are just too many awesome things about turning 5! Forget about nap time — you get to start school, your brain is exploding with knowledge, you make new friends, you can refill your cup all by yourself since you can now reach the water dispenser, you invent and create party machines and alphabet games, you make your own sandwiches, animals and art are still your passions, you’re very serious about keeping up with sweeping the leaves off the deck, your self-confidence and independence are growing by the day, but you still love to sneak in bed with me every night for a good snuggle. We celebrated the birthday girl this year with...

Little Lady Love

Every year our photographer friends over at Emery offer a heart-melting Valentine mini-session and every year I kick myself for not signing up. They do amazing things with kids and prove their miracle-worker status time and time again. Yes, I think they’re pretty great.  I was beyond thrilled when we signed up at the last minute this year and had a blast with their props and pops! Everybody needs to do this at least once!...

So Long Summer

We’re well into August and I think it’s time to say good-bye to summer and hello to fall. From my lack of posts these past few months its safe to assume one of two things: #1 I’ve been way too busy to think about blogging; or #2 This summer was way too dull to blog about. Of course it’s #1. Between moving, painting, unpacking, work and freelance, plus fitting in some fun here and there (plenty of it) it’s been one crazy summer. There’s been one other set-back I like to call the case of the missing camera. Of all the random items I misplaced in our move, the camera has...

Christmas Eve Outtakes

As I went through the millions of photos from Christmas Eve/Day I seriously wondered if we were even trying to get just one nice shot…. I think we were but there’s no evidence. How hard is it to get a decent family Christmas photo? Pretty impossible actually…...

Preschool Prepster

Picture time! This year I jumped at the idea of a ‘Back to School’ themed session for Emerson’s three-year pics. It worked out perfectly that this was offered at the same time she’ll be turning three and also starting preschool at Safari (contingent upon potty-training which deserves an entire post in itself).  Going along with the theme, I ordered an adorable preppy outfit online. True to form, I was a little late in doing so, and had to come up with something for her to wear last-minute (outfit arrived in the mail 2 days after her photos were taken). We picked out a good sweater and jeans combo that ended...