

Coyote Territory

When your six-year-old admits to you she ‘has too much energy’, you know you’ve got problems. With temps in the 30’s today we broke out of the house and felt the sun on our faces for the first time all year! Emerson trudged around finding treasures and following deer and bunny tracks all over Papa and Gaga’s yard. At one point in our adventure she alerted me that we had entered ‘coyote territory’ and that was reason enough for me to lead the expedition back inside. I’m not sure playing in the snow would be quite as fun if there wasn’t hot chocolate to look forward to…...

Operation Gingerbread House

It’s not really fair to say I went all out with the Gingerbread House activity tonight since it came pre-assembled…. but let me tell you I made up for it in frosting and sugar coated goodness. My candy obsessed daughter was frothing at the mouth before we even managed to unpack the box. One minor set-back… the conveniently assembled house was missing half its roof. While we waited for the super glue to dry, Emerson played with Christmas lights to keep her enthusiasm at bay. Once we got into it, I frosted and E decorated. She loved ‘making patterns’ with the candy and all but a few pieces were strategically placed on...

End of the Day (Week)

Last weekend we got to pretend it was spring for one day before it snowed again on Sunday (for the last time, right?). I love that E thinks the weekend is called the ‘end of the day.’ Here’s how it all went down… Emerson ate a pound of strawberries… … watched Cinderella while getting a pretty pink mani/pedi… … had a sweet nap with a picture of a cake that she tore out of a magazine and has been obsessing over ever since… … convinced me to take her to Arnold’s Park (poor thing didn’t believe me that it wasn’t open yet)… … hit up the playground and gave her...

Six More Weeks?

“A Super Bowl winner, I will not predict. But my weather forecast you cannot contradict, why that’s not a football but my shadow I see. Six more weeks of winter it must be.” – Punxsutawney Phil Straight from the mouth of the beloved groundhog, Phil, in just a little more than 6 weeks winter will be all but a cold memory. Not only am I looking forward to warmer weather for my own well-being, I’m desperately hoping Phil’s predictions are correct for the sake of Emerson’s winter outerwear. Last weekend we took some measurements after discovering her snow-pants were now more accurately snow-capris and barely came down to cover the...

Snow Bunnies

Emme, Gaga, and I busted out of the house Friday for some much-needed fresh air! ...