silly monkey



Emerson and Abigail were so thoughtful to provide 4th of July entertainment yesterday! The adults enjoyed watching their little game of Hide-and-Shriek as much if not more than they enjoyed playing it. Emme will never be satisfied with hiding alone in the curtains again after having such a blast with Abby! Thanks for spending the holiday with us, Smiths!...

Feeling Good, Living Better

While “working” in the kitchen last night, Emerson helped herself to a bag of white chocolate chips. I will definitely be hiding these a little higher up from now on. We’ve reached a new milestone — instead of taking everything out of the cupboards and moving on to her next project, she puts everything back where she found it when asked! I’ve barely needed to put toys away in weeks! Bela continually warms up to her and has even allowed some cuddling and petting lately. He can’t figure out her bizarre behavior at times, especially when she runs around half-naked with one glove on....

Naughty or Nice?

The posts have been slim lately as I’ve had my hands full with a 15 month-old monkey. If I were a mother octopus I might have enough arms to keep Emerson out of trouble while having the camera in hand for those moments when trouble turns too-cute… but here I am with my two arms and even fewer photos! In her short life, Emerson has acquired several nicknames but the one she most lives up to is ‘Monkey.’  Not only does she use her feet for everything imaginable, her legs never stop moving (even in her sleep which earned her the title ‘Crazy Legs’). In the past month my monkey’s...


Emerson is finally putting the ‘toddle’ into toddler! Today marks 13 months and her first real steps! The past few days she’s been toddling around the house – crawling, standing up and taking a few steps, kneeling back down and repeating the process. She knows she’s on to something exciting because she laughs and shrieks like a little monkey while we clap and cheer her on. We’re already excited to see where those crazy legs take her! Stay tuned for photos and video…...