silly monkey


1 Year Photos

A month after the fact, I’m finally getting around to posting pictures of Emerson’s 1 year photo shoot! We had a blast with the girls at Digital Galleria Designs and Emerson was delighted by all the attention. She was in a very silly mood and the hardest part of the whole day was ordering photos (thankfully cleaning cake off the floor wasn’t our worry). We brought balloons, a rocking chair from when I was her age, lots of hair accessories that she wouldn’t leave on her head, bubbles, my favorite 30-year-old Okoboji sweatshirt (my dad gave it to my mom while they were dating) and of course cake! Some props...

Window Gazer

Little Miss Emerson is finally tall enough to see out the windows! She loves to watch her dad and Bela do manly things in the yard....

Toy Recycling

It’s always refreshing to see Emme think outside the box. Just when I thought she had no further use for her activity mat, she reinvented it’s purpose — fort! Instead of laying on top of it and playing with the dangling toys, she likes to turn it up-side-down and play underneath! I wish I could take credit for this clever idea, but she was way ahead of me....

Un-pack and Play

I like to start my Saturdays off right with a lot of coffee and cleaning. So this past Saturday, when Emerson and I woke up we got right to work. I left her playing in the dining room while I went to make a pot of coffee. She’s been fascinated by our suitcase from our ‘boji trip last weekend so I laid it down allowing her to safely explore the zippers. I peeked around the corner several times making sure her attention was held by the suitcase. By the time I came back into the room she had entered the luggage and begun unpacking for me. I didn’t see her...