

Christmas (2015) in July

Here I am, wondering how I’ll ever get this blog caught up after a nearly year-long pause…. what better place to start than Christmas? Now that we’re well over 6 months past the holidays, the stress has been forgotten and the amazingness has lingered. This past year was especially great as we got the one thing we wanted but the last thing we expected…. my sister. My dad seamlessly pulled off the surprise of a lifetime. After a lot of deliberation Jory had decided she wouldn’t make it home from North Carolina for Christmas. This would be a first and our spirits were low. Little did we know she and my dad...

Memorial Daze

Memorial Day weekend signifies many different things to many different people: nationally we honor those who served and died in the U.S. military; locally it represents the beginning of summer tourism and the opening of seasonal restaurants and shops; and for our family this year it was our send-off for my youngest sister who moved across the country. Emerson was excited all week to spend some quality time with her aunties. We took advantage of Mimi’s last day with tons of girl-time including snuggles and a special shopping trip to adopt the newest member of our family: Shelly the hermit crab. Memorial Day itself was threatened by rain resulting in a cancelled parade...

Easter: Springtime Party

What would Easter not be complete without?  Dying eggs. Before Emerson left to spend the weekend with her dad and grandparents, we got busy coloring Easter eggs. We enlisted some help to blow the yolks out of the shell —  neither one of us had the required lung capacity.  After that she whizzed through a carton of eggs dipping each one in the dye whole-handedly. If I had followed the directions the colors may have turned out a little richer, but it was fun and who doesn’t love pastels for springtime? Sunday afternoon E returned home for an egg hunt — we were able to venture outside as it was a beautiful...

Giving Thanks

Let me come right out and say we celebrated Thanksgiving this year in the presence of our Christmas tree. The snow-covered trees outside had me yearning for holiday cheer inside so the weekend before Turkey Day we went for it. The tree went up and Emerson decorated to her heart’s content. For a whole week I enjoyed the dirty little secret Christmas tree before turning the lights on for all to see. Next on our to-do list was to wait in suspense until Meggie and Mimi arrived! Lucky for us they came an entire day early and Emerson was in heaven. We hadn’t all been home together since last Christmas so it was a...

Iowa City or Bust

I’ve had a major itch to plan a weekend getaway all winter; now that the weather is beginning to hint at spring the time had come to get out of the house! We had the perfect excuse to visit my sisters in Iowa City this past weekend and made a nice little weekend of it. It’s hard to believe my youngest sister will be graduating from Iowa in a few short months. I couldn’t be prouder that she’s followed in my footsteps as a Graphic Design major! This excites me for many reasons (family business?!) but I have seriously been looking forward to her BFA gallery show for months and...