Without meaning to I’ve taken a one+ month hiatus from our little ol’ blog. It’s been a busy summer but now that we’re basically settled in I think it’s time to get caught-up! First things first: we closed on the house on Friday the 13th last month and immediately brought in 6 gallons of paint and got right to work that same day. A total of 15 gallons later we’d finished most of the painting and moved in. I could not be more relieved the painting phase only lasted a week thanks to the help of several dedicated family members… Meghan was a downright animal with paint roller in hand. I COULD NOT have done it without...
It’s Happening
I’ve been hanging on to some pretty exciting news for the past few months. I bought a house! A week from today, Emerson and I will be closing on our new house and getting the moving party started! It has been such a great blessing to live with my parents for the past year and a half. It really is overwhelming to think of how much has changed during that time, but the stars have aligned and I have nothing but positive feelings about moving on and into our own home (even if it is only a few blocks away)! I think my parents are pretty excited as well; although they have...
Bumble Boogie

Emerson’s dance journey the past 9 months has been nothing short of a roller coaster ride of emotions — beginning at the bottom and looping its way up to the top with many ups and downs in between. I knew it wasn’t going to be a complete walk in the park from the beginning. I was nervous to enroll her knowing her birthday fell a few days past the age cut-off (3 yrs) and she was still only 2 that very first class! At home she was watching old dance recital tapes and Shirley Temple movies like crazy, so we went for it! Emerson is pretty shy and it took several weeks of warming...
End of the Day (Week)

Last weekend we got to pretend it was spring for one day before it snowed again on Sunday (for the last time, right?). I love that E thinks the weekend is called the ‘end of the day.’ Here’s how it all went down… Emerson ate a pound of strawberries… … watched Cinderella while getting a pretty pink mani/pedi… … had a sweet nap with a picture of a cake that she tore out of a magazine and has been obsessing over ever since… … convinced me to take her to Arnold’s Park (poor thing didn’t believe me that it wasn’t open yet)… … hit up the playground and gave her...
Sunny Sunday
March ended on a warmer note than it started on…. good enough for us! Emerson, Bela and I took advantage by walking to the park on Sunday for the first time this year! We were all a little more than giddy to get out of the house and although it was pretty breezy we loved every second of fresh air. Keeping track of a monkey AND a dog at the park honestly isn’t my favorite activity to multi-task but Em thinks it’s the coolest thing when other kids want to pet her doggy and I personally love his company. I’m seriously taking one for the team by posting this pic...