What would Easter not be complete without? Dying eggs. Before Emerson left to spend the weekend with her dad and grandparents, we got busy coloring Easter eggs. We enlisted some help to blow the yolks out of the shell — neither one of us had the required lung capacity. After that she whizzed through a carton of eggs dipping each one in the dye whole-handedly. If I had followed the directions the colors may have turned out a little richer, but it was fun and who doesn’t love pastels for springtime? Sunday afternoon E returned home for an egg hunt — we were able to venture outside as it was a beautiful...
New ‘do

It’s haircut season! Just shy of one year since her first haircut, E braved the chair again for a short, sassy new ‘do. Leading up to her appointment feelings were mixed and while it was hard for both of us to let go of her signature long hair, it turned out so cute and she definitely felt great about it afterwards....
Sunny Sunday
March ended on a warmer note than it started on…. good enough for us! Emerson, Bela and I took advantage by walking to the park on Sunday for the first time this year! We were all a little more than giddy to get out of the house and although it was pretty breezy we loved every second of fresh air. Keeping track of a monkey AND a dog at the park honestly isn’t my favorite activity to multi-task but Em thinks it’s the coolest thing when other kids want to pet her doggy and I personally love his company. I’m seriously taking one for the team by posting this pic...
Circus Review
The circus came to town this weekend and I’ve never seen my mom more excited than when she won tickets from KUOO for the whole family. Emerson woke up several days in a row expressing great excitement towards visiting the Big-Top. Saturday finally arrived and the suspense built right through nap-time and finally peaked as we arrived and she caught her first glance at elephants, ponies, clowns, and a bounce house. It was more than enough stimulation for a two-year old (at times probably too much). Emerson and I hopped on the back of an elephant as quick as we could! She was amazed by their trunks and how they...
We’re Back
After three consecutive weeks of snow, rain, and wintery conditions, spring weather has finally arrived! Friday afternoon’s beautiful weather brought us out of hibernation for the first time this year. I kicked up my feet and caught up on some reading from my lawn chair while Emerson napped; later we played in the yard, picked up sticks, raked, grilled, and enjoyed dinner alfresco. The combination of blue skies and warm sun with the absence of wind and bugs created ideal spring conditions. With many fun events planned for the coming weeks, I think the blog is coming back to life as well!...