

Amusing Park

I realized just how big Emerson has gotten when Papa, Gaga, and I took her to Arnold’s Park last weekend.  It wasn’t until I noticed kids her size and smaller riding the ‘Fishies’ that we actually decided to give it a try. The look on her face was priceless when the machine began to move… fear, anticipation, excitement and wonder all wrapped up into one face. After a few spins around she began to relax and enjoy herself. It was a beautiful post-4th weekend spent riding the Merry-Go-Round, train, Fishies, and Dragon! True to form, Emerson found several good rocks and sticks around the park which she gripped tight throughout...

Gaga’s Little Helper

Emerson loves helping her Gaga in the kitchen! We made blueberry and bran muffins last weekend while we were in Spirit Lake. She’s especially talented at stirring the batter and arranging the muffin cups (REarranging the muffin cups)....

Night Glow

This weekend Lake Red Rock is hosting their second annual Balloon Fest, so of course we had to check it out tonight. We watched in amazement as each balloon was laid flat on the ground, pumped with hot air and sprung to life! What a vibrant way to spend a beautiful Saturday night! Hopefully next year we can stay later in the evening to see them in the sky!...


Emerson and Abigail were so thoughtful to provide 4th of July entertainment yesterday! The adults enjoyed watching their little game of Hide-and-Shriek as much if not more than they enjoyed playing it. Emme will never be satisfied with hiding alone in the curtains again after having such a blast with Abby! Thanks for spending the holiday with us, Smiths!...