

Yummy Muck

Who knew the label on the milk carton is written in Emerson’s very own baby language? I wish I had a translator for most of what she says but as long as she knows what she’s talking about I will just go along with what she tells me....

Monkey See, Monkey Do

We’ve been chasing Emerson around the house ever since she started crawling 6 weeks ago. It’s rare to find her sitting in one place for more than a few seconds which is why it took me two weeks to accomplish a few decent 8 month pictures. Our little monkey is a silly girl and already loves copying us. She repeats clapping, waving, making tongue clicking sounds, and even tried tossing her hair back just like her mom the other day. She loves exploring her new house and pulls herself up on anything and everything she can reach. I’ve recently added baby food to the list of things I like to...

Chatty Cathy

As a new mom I often dream about what the future holds for my sweet, innocent, perfect baby.  Not only what path she’ll follow through life, but what kind of person she’ll be along the way. It seems like everyday I’m amazed by something new; today it happens to be the wonderful personality spilling out of my tiny little girl. I am loving the suspense of watching her grow little by little and am inspired by her sweet yet curious disposition. Becoming a mom is a funny thing. For two months I looked for sleep in every possible nook and cranny. Now that Emerson is finally sleeping 6+ hours through...