The final birthday event of the year (I haven’t even begun to cover birthday celebrations in Spirit Lake and Humboldt the previous weekend) began when Mimi Meg and Mimi Jor arrived Sunday morning. Papa and Mark also joined us for a BLT feast before opening more gifts. When my sisters weren’t busy having a photo shoot in the curtains, a new tea set and bowling pins entertained us for the rest of the day. Finally after several days of anticipation, we ate cake! We enjoyed all our guests throughout the weekend, but by Sunday night I was ready to order pizza and kick my feet up! ...
Birthday Weekend: Saturday
Still no sign of confetti or clowns but Emerson was thrilled to see her Papa and Gaga! My sisters decided to celebrate with us on Sunday and Nic’s family was unable to attend so aside from Katie and our special surprise guest, Uncle Bill, we were the extent of the party. In the beginning I was disappointed that I wasn’t able to arrange for everyone to get together at the same time and place but looking back I’m grateful, for Emerson’s sake, that she was able to spend the one-on-one time with everyone and not feel overwhelmed by a large crowd of people all at once. This is definitely the...
Birthday Weekend: Friday

For the entire year leading up to Emerson’s second birthday I’ve been dreaming it would be filled with confetti falling from the sky, balloons as far as the eye can reach, circus performers in the front yard…. something extraordinary! We awakened on that 7th day of September to the harsh reality that time was not going to halt so that we might run around with ribbon dancers and frolic happily in a meadow. Oh no. We were thrown into the regular whirlwind morning routine complete with a floor of yogurt and a disheveled mother which led into a full day of work for me and daycare for E. This particular...
My Week
What a beautiful week for celebration! A majority of our time has been spent outside lately – tidying up the yard, planting flowers, grilling, taking walks, playing at the park…. I’ll be the first to admit certain things around the house are suffering due to the perfect weather we’ve been having (laundry, cleaning, the blog…) but it’s only May once every year! It’s always been my favorite month for all the obvious reasons — the end of the school year/beginning of summer, my birthday, and now Mother’s Day. This year the two glorious holidays fell during the same week and I felt spoiled and loved each and every day just...
Birthday Flashback
Happy 1/2 Birthday, Big E! In honor of Emerson’s half-birthday coming up in a few days, I decided to finally gather up the 1 year birthday party photos! I was so wrapped up in everything going smoothly that day, I barely took any pics myself (lucky for me that’s what grandmas are for)! It’s fun to look back and really see how quickly they grow up! I can’t believe it’s already been 6 months! Thanks to everyone who made this such a fun day! ...